
ANZAC 250 – Heartlight’s Story

Published Fri 29 Apr 2016

Heartlight has just completed the SSANZ, Chains, Ropes and Anchors, ANZAC 250 Shorthhaul (180nm) and would recommend all 88’s do it next year.

We left Thursday evening in a very light NorEaster that built to 10-12knots as we tacked through the Motuihe Channel. Plenty of bigger boats still around which was encouraging though a long night ahead as we as we headed out to Channel Island in a short chop and about 15 knots. Hoping we’d have a lay through to Cuvier Island went out the window with an Easterly shift through the Colville Channel and an incoming tide but rewarded with a fantastic morning.

A short kite ride down to Great Barrier but the breeze went forward to the NE and continued to lighten so back to the No1 for a tight reach down its east coast and then finely went very light with kite up and down as we squeezed past the Needles at its northern end.



Needles in the distance – Northern end of Gt Barrier Island
The breeze died out for a short time as we approached Little Barrier. We chose to take a wide rounding to the south which worked out well and gybed back using the kite like a code zero and fortunately held a light breeze the whole way around. It then built back to about 10 knots with the help of some rain clouds providing a great on the wind leg up to Sail Rock. Drifted around Sail Rock about 4am and managed to sneak out of the wind shadow behind the Hen and Chicks.

Finally a nice light breeze to get us back to Port Abercrombie and the finish at about 10.30am Saturday. 

Heading back to Great Barrier
A great prize giving party at Smokehouse Bay with the cruising and small boats (60nm) kicking off at 3pm. Unfortunately, didn’t catch up with the Y88 Kristina who also came in second. A lot of these guys headed home that evening to beat a SW change. We slipped out at about 4am after a few hours’ sleep though the music was still blasting. Home by lunchtime.